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A little WordPl@y

A little WordPl@y

  1. Bujumbura
  2. Prestidigitation
  3. Raconteur
  4. Superannuation
  5. Perinaeum
  6. Beefcake
  7. Phalangist
  8. Anthrompomorphize
  9. Didactic


  1. #1 On June 9, 2005 12:04 AM Mikkel Malmberg said:

    Uhm ...

    Let me see ...

    Nope, I don't get it ...

  2. #2 On June 9, 2005 12:06 AM Callum Mcleod said:

    Hmm.. Anyone know what these folk are up to with their word games?

    Reminds me of high school.. If you're not in the "cool" group, you never know whats going on..

  3. #3 On June 9, 2005 01:09 AM Matt Hampel said:

    The @ makes me think it's an @Media thing....

  4. #4 On June 9, 2005 01:10 AM Ewan said:

    Is it something to do with google search terms??

  5. #5 On June 9, 2005 01:26 AM Matt Robin said:

    Already spotted on Molly's site... (No, I still have no idea what 'Bujumbura' means! # Laughs #)


    Biggest media conf in Europe? Or just....tea and biscuits with the Anglophiles?! :)

  6. #6 On June 9, 2005 01:55 AM Sean Fraser said:

    Bujumbura = https://www.zeldman.com/
    Prestidigitation = https://www.fawny.org/?blog/
    Raconteur = https://www.stopdesign.com/
    Superannuation = https://www.htmldog.com/
    Perinaeum = https://www.andybudd.com/
    Beefcake = https://www.accessify.com/default.asp
    Phalangist = https://www.adactio.com/
    Masturbatory = https://www.molly.com/
    Anthrompomorphize = https://www.boxofchocolates.ca/
    Didactic = https://stuffandnonsense.co.uk/

    who all seem to be at the Shindig in London.

    Okey? So.... Zeldman's from the captiol of Burundi and Mr. Malarkey's a bit of the didactic but what does that say about Miz H and Mr. Budd?

    Though.... it would appear the “code names” are relevent to the individual presentations that are to be given.

    Sitll.... where does Derek Featherstone figure in all of this?

    Inspector Jacques Clouseau would know.

  7. #7 On June 9, 2005 02:12 AM zoel said:

    let me see!

  8. #8 On June 9, 2005 06:23 AM ghola said:

    ...and not only is Anthrompomorphize misspelled, but it is the only one in the list...

  9. #9 On June 9, 2005 06:49 AM Kimmo said:

    I also suspect a play-with-the-search-engines kind of thing...

  10. #10 On June 9, 2005 05:37 PM Marco said:

    Hmmm. Might have to think like John Nash to figure this one out...

  11. #11 On June 10, 2005 06:47 AM Gustaf said:

    Whatever this is, its clever.


    So far, Doug, Jeremy, Derek and Molly have spelled "anthropomorphize" correctly, while Andy and Accessify have all spelled it "anthrompomorphize." Who knows if that actually means anything; just thought I'd add my two cents.

    Also, except for the lack of Robin Christopherson and the addition of Derek Featherstone, the list follows the order in which each of them are presenting (ignoring repeat names).

  12. #12 On June 10, 2005 01:49 PM Phil Baines said:

    I think it must be a google thing. They are trying to show how google values links from important sites pretty highly.

    Searching for Beefcake now brings back Accessify, and Didactic our mr Malarkey. Not all of them are working, but I wouldn't be supprised if they do.


    Can't wait to see what you have to say about this Andy.

  13. #13 On June 10, 2005 01:51 PM Phil Baines said:

    seems to work really well!

  14. #14 On June 10, 2005 11:16 PM monooso said:

    At the risk of ruining Malarkey's fun (you can always just delete the post if you want to maintain the suspence ;), I actually know what this list is all about:

    Each of the speakers at @media 2005 had to incorporate his / her (randomly?) assigned word into his / her presentation. Hats off to Molly for not even batting an eyelid when trotting out the phrase "at the risk of being self-masturbatory".

    Whilst I'm on the subject of @media 2005, many congratulations to Andy and everyone else for making it such a great event - definitely worth the time and money, and I'm looking forward to not drinking quite so much next year.

  15. #15 On June 10, 2005 11:40 PM Paul said:

    Dai Dactic indeed... very good.

  16. #16 On June 11, 2005 12:55 AM Malarkey said:

    @ monooso: Looks like the cat is well and truly out of the bag now :)

  17. #17 On June 11, 2005 03:34 AM Callum Mcleod said:

    Good to see you guys having fun at @media. Wish I had the opportunity to go, but its a bit too far from New Zealand for my budget.

    @Phil Baines: Nice idea, and I could see how this could work.

  18. #18 On June 11, 2005 05:29 AM Marco said:

    Ah man, I actually thought the words were some sort of anagrams. Oh well, I guess I had to be at @media.