Stuff & Nonsense product and website design

A transcript of my Modern Designer’s Canvas talk

Smashing Magazine have published an (edited for print) transcript of the ‘A Modern Designer’s Canvas’ talk that I gave at both An Event Apart in Atlanta and Smashing Conference last week in Oxford.

It’s long—as you might expect from a one hour talk—and of course you had to be there, but I hope it gives you a flavour for my message.

  1. Find a medium that expresses your interests and talents
  2. Don’t get intoxicated by a process or fall in love with tools
  3. Challenge what you’re told
  4. Beat your own path, rather than walk someone else’s

Watch out for videos of this and all the other talks at Smashing Conference that will be out over the next few weeks.

Written by Andy Clarke who filed this in talks , conference .

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