Stuff & Nonsense product and website design

Unfinished Business 114 ‘Fair cop guv’’ with Dan Edwards and Daniel Mall

A week later than planned (sorry,) on this week’s Unfinished Business, I’m joined by returning special guest, designer Dan Edwards. And because you wait all day and then two Dans come along at once, joining us is creative director, founder and director of the SuperFriendly agency in Philadelphia, Daniel (the Dan) Mall. We talk about plans for the next Geek Mental Help week in October first. Then, because I’m currently deep into a redesign of Stuff & Nonsense, why working on your own site always feel harder than working on a client sites. We discuss using our portfolios to attract the ‘right’ type of projects and if case studies are the best way to demonstrate what we do.

Due to technical problems, this episode very nearly didn’t get published, so I want to thank my good friend Ryan Taylor for his help making it happen.)

Some links from this episode

I like Cornerstone

You might remember that in the last episode I mentioned that I’m not taking paid sponsor spots on the show anymore. I’m going to briefly talk about something that I use and really like instead. And this week, it’s Cornerstone, the shaving supplies people.

When you sign up to Cornerstone you’ll receive german-engineered razor blades and British-blended skincare products delivered as often as you want them. Choose how often you shave—I shave two or three times a week—which means I get a box every twelve weeks. That box contains Pre-Shave Face Scrub, Shave Gel, 6 Razor Blades and Post-Shave Balm. You’ll get a free aluminium razor handle engraved with your initials included with your first delivery. With Cornerstone you can change your plan any time you like and there’s no ongoing commitment.

If you sign up with Cornerstone via this website I’ll get £10 credit and you’ll get £10 off your first order. So if you shave, buy your supplies from Cornerstone and you’ll be supporting me for making this show.

Written by Andy Clarke .

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