Andy Clarke is a well-known designer, author, and teacher. He’s been called plenty of things since he started working on the web. His ego likes “Ambassador for CSS,” “industry prophet,” and “inspiring,” but he’s most proud that Jeffrey Zeldman once called him a “triple-talented bastard.” With his wife Sue, Andy founded Stuff & Nonsense in 1998, where they’ve helped companies around the world to improve their designs by providing consulting and design expertise.
Andy’s written several popular books on website design and development, including Art Direction for the Web (Smashing Magazine, 2019,) Hardboiled Web Design: Fifth Anniversary Edition (Smashing Magazine, 2015,) Hardboiled Web Design (Five Simple Steps, 2010,) and Transcending CSS: The Fine Art Of Web Design (New Riders, 2006.) He’s a popular speaker and gives talks about art direction and design all over the world.
Andy tweets as @malarkey and really loves gorillas.