Stuff & Nonsense product and website design

Blog and all that malarkey


I’m not a one man QA department so I sometimes miss minor implementation issues, even on my own sites. Just this week, despite having looked at the Stuff and Nonsense redesign for countless hours, I still kept finding small alignment and padding problems, especially on my iPhone and iPad where those issues are magnified.

I used to take screenshots and email them to myself with a note about what needed fixing, now I use a little app called Bugshot, made by Marco Arment.


Bugshot doesn’t do a whole lot, it just lets you draw boxes and arrows over the screenshots that it finds in the camera roll on your iPhone or iPad and then export the new images back to your camera roll or to Dropbox, email or Twitter and Facebook. You can also blur anything sensitive out of a bugshot before you send it anywhere.

Bugshot’s not perfect. I wish the strokes around large boxes didn’t get so flippin’ big and there’s no way to add text. Still, a picture’s supposed to say a thousand words and the Bugshot is only $0.99 so I don’t think I can complain for too long. Bugshot’s cheap, simple and I seem to have needed it a lot recently.

Written by Andy Clarke who tagged this with tools

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