CSS3 for responsive web design workshop at Smashing Conference in 2014
2012’s Smashing Conference in Freiburg had the best atmosphere of any European conference I’ve been to and, while I wasn’t there, I hear this year’s was pretty special too.
Next year, Smashing Magazine are bringing their conference to beautiful Oxford, home of Inspector Morse. The line up is still something of a mystery, but so far includes yours truly, Ben Bodien and Josh Clark. More speakers and the schedule will be announced over the next few months.
I’ll be giving my talk for next year, ‘Creating The Modern Design Canvas:’
Since designers began working on the web we’ve followed processes and practices that were created decades earlier. In recent years, responsive design has shown us that we need to work differently and find new ways to create designs for the modern web. However designers have struggled to find new ways to work and new tools to work with.
In this highly practical talk, experienced designer Andrew Clarke shares his successes and failures in developing a design process that works for him, his studio and most importantly his clients. He’ll demonstrate how distilling a design into into its ‘atmosphere’ of colour, typography and texture helps create designs that are layout independent. He’ll show how to create a responsive typographic design and how to practically use CSS3 media queries based on content rather than device pixels.
This will be the only time I’ll give that talk in Europe next year.
I’ll also be hosting a ‘CSS3 for responsive web design’ workshop on the Thursday March 20th after the conference to hopefully make sure you’ll stick around:
Responsive Web design means there’s never been a more interesting time to design for the web than today. CSS3 for responsive design means that CSS is now more interesting too.
In this popular full day workshop hosted by Andrew Clarke, designer, author and podcaster, you’ll learn how to make the most of the latest CSS3 modules so your websites and applications will be faster, more fun and fashionably flexible.
This workshop’s sold out every time I’ve hosted it, so you don’t need to be a detective to figure out what to do when tickets go on sale on October 22nd.
- Smashing Conference in Oxford
- CSS3 for responsive web design workshop