CSS3 For Responsive Web Design workshops in 2015 (and a reminder about Oslo next week)
I’ve been very pleased with reactions to my latest ‘CSS3 For Responsive Web Design’ full-day workshop. Attendees at ‘The Web Is…’ in Cardiff and ‘Beyond Tellerrand’ in Berlin really seemed to like its mixture of design and technical content. I’ll be hosting this workshop again in several cities in various countries throughout 2015 and there’s still one more opportunity to join me in Oslo next week.
December 3rd 2014 at IGM in Oslo
The lovely people at IGM, organisers of the ‘Making Web ’conference in Oslo that I spoke at in October, are bringing me back next week to host ‘CSS3 For Responsive Web Design.’ Tickets are still available. You’ll learn about:
- Use table display properties to rearrange content
- Create cross-browser layouts using Flexible Box Layout (Flexbox)
- Implement magazine-style layouts using CSS3 Shapes
- Improve typography using Multi-column Layout
- Make the most of tiny bitmaps with border images
- Use CSS3 filters and blend modes for creative effects
The workshop will be held on December 3rd 2014 at IGM AS, at Brynsveien 5 in Oslo. Tickets are on-sale now for only NOK 3 700 (420€.)
It’ll be a fun and informative day and I hope that you’ll join me. Get your ticket for Oslo here.
April 27th 2015 at Smashing Conference in Los Angeles
It’s been many, many years (2007) since I hosted a workshop in the USA so I couldn’t be happier that Smashing Magazine is making that happen for me at all their American shows in 2015, starting with Los Angeles on April 27th.
Tickets cost $498 and all booking fees are included. By registering for a workshop when buying your conference ticket, you’ll save $100 on the regular workshop ticket price too.