Fashionably flexible responsive web design workshops — Japan 2013
Back in 2009, I took what I thought would be a trip of a lifetime to Japan to speak and host a workshop at Web Directions East. I spent a hectic few days in Tokyo then set off for a place I never thought I visit, Hiroshima. I’ll never forget standing, in tears in front of the A-Bomb dome, or visiting the shrines on Miyajima Island. I met new friends and went home with stories to tell.
I’ve kept in touch with Japanese friends, had the pleasure of welcoming them to Wales and in April my wife and I are heading back to Japan for a working holiday. Together with our friend Satoshi, I’m hosting two Fashionably flexible responsive web design workshops, one in Tokyo, the other in Osaka. Then, we’ll be heading back to Hiroshima so I can share this special place with Sue.
April 6th 2013 at the Tokyo Midtown Conference
April 7th 2013 at the Hankyu Building Office Tower
Tickets for Osaka are still available, so it would be wonderful to see you there.
From the blurb:
Responsive design has made designing flexible websites fashionable again, but there’s more to being fashionably flexible than technology or using CSS3 media queries.
So this unique workshop — hosted by Andy Clarke, designer, author and podcaster ’ puts the design back into responsive design. Andy will teach you how to design from the “content out,’ instead of from the “canvas in.”
He’ll demonstrate how to separate design from layout and if you work with designs made in Photoshop, he’ll show how to deconstruct a design into its components (color, texture and typography) before reassembling it for a fluid continuum of devices from, mobile phones to desktops and everything in between.