Stuff & Nonsense product and website design

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Mentoring for designers, helping them improve their skills and develop their careers

When I wrote recently about the design work I’d like to do in the year ahead, I neglected to mention one important area that I’d like to concentrate on. That’s mentoring designers and helping them improve their skills and develop their careers in design.

Like many designers, I’ve often wished I had someone to help stimulate ideas and give me constructive feedback. When I set up my business, I wished I had someone to boost my confidence, advise me, and offer support. As I got older and the industry changed, I wished there was someone I could speak to who’d been through similar experiences. I want to be that person for other designers.

Through his coaching, Andy has helped me improve my design skills significantly by challenging me to step out of my comfort zone. His friendly approach to teaching, experience, and expertise make him the ideal design mentor.

Jerome Kalumbu. Designer.

I love mentoring

I love mentoring new and established designers. Maybe you’re new to the industry and need advice on growing your skills, or perhaps you’ve been in the business a while and need help developing your career. That’s where working with an experienced design mentor like me can help.

Let’s say you’re a freelancer who wants an experienced pair of eyes and a fresh perspective on your designs. You’d benefit from talking over creative concepts and maybe advice on improving colour, layout, and typography. Perhaps you’d like help presenting your portfolio or advice on contracts and client relationships.

You might also be part of a team of designers, and you sometimes struggle to find fresh approaches for the products or websites you design. Sometimes, it’s difficult to convince managers or stakeholders of the benefits of new ideas. I can help by offering advice, guidance, and support.

Staggering amount of experience

I’ve experienced the ups and downs of working in design and running my design business for over 25 years. I have gained a staggering amount of experience, which I can share to help mentor other designers.

My mentoring works on a simple time bank system: You buy a block of 10 hours for £1,100. We can arrange weekly or monthly sessions or find a schedule that suits you. You can schedule video calls whenever needed, email me designs to review, or ask questions anytime. You can even include your colleagues if you need them.

Written by Andy Clarke who tagged this with mentoring

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