Stuff & Nonsense product and website design

Teach The Web

Last year, Leslie Jensen-Inman was working on her graduate thesis and interviewed a cast of shady characters including Andy Budd, (Gentleman) Jon Hicks, Jeremy Keith and yours truly on the subject of web design and development education.

Congratulations to Leslie as earlier this month she graduated and earned her Masters in Fine Arts in Integrated Design. With graduation under her belt, Leslie has launched Teach The Web, complete with her thesis monograph and all thirty-two of her interviews.

Leslie’s hope is that by sharing the answers,

[..] they will help others to continue to improve the education of web designers and developers.

I do too, and I particularly enjoyed reading everyone’s answers to the How can colleges and universities keep web design and/or development curriculum current and relevant? question. Joe Clark’s answer in particular made me laugh out loud — Stop hiring losers as teachers.

Look out for tomorrow’s A List Apart where Leslie will publish an article inspired by her research.

Written by Andy Clarke .

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