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Ready for Web Directions North

If you're coming along to Web Directions North let me know, I'm looking forward to seeing you there.

Packed: Passport, toothbrush, Mac, pants, socks, toasted sandwich maker iPod. I think I'm ready: Web Directions North here I come.

I'm heading out on Sunday. The flight from London to Vancouver only takes an hour and a half (with a nine hour period where time stands still) and I'm really looking forward to Vancouver, my first trip to Canada.

CSS + Javascript = Magic

I'm there for two events. First, on Tuesday I have the true pleasure of working with DOM scripting genius Aaron Gustafson in a full day workshop 'CSS + Javascript = Magic': Creative web development with CSS and DOM scripting.

Andy Clarke and Aaron Gustafson will take your CSS skills and supercharge them with JavaScript magic, exploring how you can make CSS and JavaScript work together to make beautiful (and functional) results.

On Wednesday Aaron and I team up again for 'Transcendent design with Javascript and CSS', a two hour conference session where we will find out what happens when you combine the grace of CSS based design, with the power of Javascript and (apparantly) light up the stage with our passion.

I'm not sure who writes this stuff but if Aaron and I share any passion, it won't be onstage! And besides, his beard tickles.

Luckily there will be a stellar cast of speakers to keep us apart if we get too amourous and I'm really excited to hear Doug Bowman, Hard Man Dan, Dave Shea and Veerle Pieters among so many almost too many to mention.

So, if you're coming along to Web Directions North, let me know, I'm looking forward to seeing you there.


  1. #1 On February 2, 2007 03:25 PM stuart trann said:

    hi andy,

    looking forward to attending your CSS + JavaScript workshop on Tuesday and hearing the rest of the excellent speakers over the course of the 3 days. this will be my first conference and in my hometown no less! after a few years of visiting your site, learning from you and other professionals in the field i am very excited to actually have the chance to hear some of you speak in person.

    see you next week.

  2. #2 On February 2, 2007 03:45 PM Keith said:

    I'll be there. Going to be great fun I'm sure and I can hardly wait.

  3. #3 On February 2, 2007 05:11 PM Jon Hughes said:

    A little early aren't you? I could never pack that early... do you plan to not brush your teeth from now 'til the 6th? :)

    I figure I'll start packing (read: doing laundry) the day before, and forget my toothbrush.

    I hope Canadian toothbrushes aren't too dissimilar from ours ;)

    Looking forward to the meet, although I wasn't able to get a spot on your workbench... Are you going to be able to tape it, so others can buy it later? I am very interested, but my flight actually arrives later in the day on the 6th.

  4. #4 On February 2, 2007 05:21 PM Malarkey said:

    @ Jon: You raise an interesting point there. Aaron and I do have early plans for a PDF mini-book and a 'kit' based on our sessions that should be available later this year.

  5. #5 On February 2, 2007 06:08 PM Grant Palin said:

    If it's your first trip to Canada, welcome! You couldn't have picked a better reason to come! This will be my first conference, and I am excited at the chance of meeting some of the many people that will be there.

  6. #6 On February 2, 2007 07:48 PM Daniel K said:

    Hopefully there will a podcast or video for those who can't be there...

  7. #7 On February 3, 2007 12:36 AM Jon Hughes said:

    @ Andy: Do you plan to charge for it, and if so, do you have a price in mind? (Just need to know if it's going to be a huge library like some Lynda training course, or will it just be a simple document?

  8. #8 On February 3, 2007 11:18 AM Nathanael said:

    Don't forget your rechargers and adapters! I always seem to need a separate bag for my laptop adapter, iPod USB cable or AC adapter, mobile phone adapter, bluetooth earpiece adapter ... nothing worse than flat batteries!

  9. #9 On February 3, 2007 06:23 PM Jon Hughes said:

    @ Nathanael: I can think of something worse... not having an ipod :(

    This will be my first conference, can anyone tell me what sort of "goodies" are generally given out? Andy, do we all get a free signed copy of Transcending CSS? :)

  10. #10 On February 3, 2007 06:31 PM Jon Hughes said:

    p.s. you have an incorrect link to mezzoblue, you are linking to:


    Just thought you should know :)

  11. #11 On February 4, 2007 09:22 AM noodlenozzle said:

    Man, I wish that WDN was within my reach. I hope that the name WD North is auto-implicit that there will be a WD South one day.

    I am in Texas and we do some web development here and there down here too...

  12. #12 On February 4, 2007 10:10 PM Jeremy Latham said:

    Welcome to Vancouver.

    I just signed up for your Tuesday workshop and am looking forward to meeting you.

    Have a good trip over.

  13. #13 On February 5, 2007 12:33 AM Matt Robin said:

    Have a great time Andy!
    I've never been to Canada either.

    ...(rumour has it that they don't like Americans too much though...or is that the French?!)

  14. #14 On February 5, 2007 04:55 AM Sander said:

    Hope you didn't forget to pack an umbrella as well. I did, and had to buy one here (which promptly broke after five hours, of wandering through the city; you'd _think_ Vancouverians would know how to make sturdier umbrellas!) :)

    Also, could you say something about the technical level of the talk on wednesday? I'm trying to make up my mind between that and the microformats talk, and from the description from the PDF booklet, it sounds like it's on the introductory side? (That is, do you expect there to be much new in the talk for someone who's written several web applications that have the dom dancing around left and right and which would be totally 2.0, if it wasn't for the lack of dropshadows?)

  15. #15 On February 5, 2007 05:49 AM Nathanael said:

    @ noodlenozzle:

    Ah yeah there is a Web Directions South - but not in North America. We had the inaugural WDS in Sydney, Australia last September!

    Sorry :-)

  16. #16 On February 5, 2007 05:51 AM Nathanael said:

    @ noodlenozzle:

    Ah yeah there is a Web Directions South - but not in North America. We had the inaugural WDS in Sydney, Australia last September!

    Sorry :-)

    PS: Apologies if this turns into like a triple post or something - having problems with site ...

  17. #17 On February 5, 2007 07:01 PM Daniel K said:

    Noodlenozzle: Don't forget that we Texans do have SxSW (South by SouthWest) so that's something to look forward to.

  18. #18 On February 6, 2007 07:09 AM Brad Touesnard said:

    Welcome to Vancouver!

    I'm looking forward to the workshop. See you in the A.M.

  19. #19 On February 6, 2007 08:14 AM ChadL said:

    Welcome, looking forward to meeting you as well.

  20. #20 On February 6, 2007 02:52 PM Malarkey said:

    Hi guys,

    It's the morning of the workshop here in Vancouver and I'm really looking forward to meeting everybody.

    @ Sander: I hope that you will find the talk on Wednesday interesting. The talk will be both design, CSS focussed with of course Aaron's great teaching style on scripting. The talk will not be overly technical but we will be showing some never-before-seen solutions so I hope you'll come.

    @ Jon Hughes: No free copies, I'm sorry, a man has to make a living you know! ;) We have not decided on the price of our PDF book/kit yet. It will likely be around $35-50 US, maybe a little less.

  21. #21 On February 7, 2007 03:59 AM Harry Casimir said:

    First time here. You have a nice blog here with a lot great content.

  22. #22 On February 9, 2007 02:48 PM DougB said:

    Have been to Mecca and met Mohammed (or that quaint lil bloke with the neat hat on...)...

    Andy, I finally put that book down about 3:00AM this morning after after a cover to cover read, unbelieveable read. It was certainly a hoot to meet you Aaron, Molly, Dave and all the others while at the conference.

    Many thanks again for making it over this side of the pond and putting on the wonderful workshop's at WDN07. Look foward to making my way back here to your blog regularly from here on in.


  23. #23 On February 11, 2007 02:38 PM Alex said:

    Fantastic session, Andy. Like Doug (Bowman?) above, I bought the book immediately after and finished it quickly. Click my name for my review of the conference. Cheers!

  24. #24 On February 13, 2007 11:43 AM Tuna said:

    Andy, you know your Post 404 (ironic eh) is not showing at all, blank page.. but I bet hundreds of people have told you already.

    (Ed says: Ooops, that server error should now be fixed)