Blogging and All that Malarkey Stuff & Nonsense

Malarkey is Andy Clarke, a creative designer with a passion for accessibility and web standards. This is his personal website.

Arno Zimmerman in Adactio Pour Domme

My good friend Arno Zimmerman has been busy this Easter weekend, attempting to procure domain names for his nefarious purposes clients. In today’s episode, Jeremy Keith smells a rat (rather than the sweet smell of money) in Adactio Pour Domme. Plus: the truth about Arno Zimmerman.

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Web Standards Trifle

Sometimes it’s during a pitch, and always to a non-technical person who knows little or nothing about anything remotely ‘webby.’ I have tried various approaches, but there is one which consistently raises a smile and works like a charm. So I thought I’d share The Web Standards Trifle with you.

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Creating colour palettes

When I am designing a colour scheme for a client site, I am often lead by the colours used in existing logos or publicity materials. But when the client only uses one or two colours, I use a favourite technique for creating complimentary tones.

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