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Reasons to be cheerful

Seeing Piccadilly, Fanny Smith and Willy, being rather silly, and porridge oats.

Reasons to be cheerful (part three)

Summer, Buddy Holly, the working folly
Good golly Miss Molly and boats
Hammersmith Palais, the Bolshoi Ballet
Jump back in the alley and nanny goats

18-wheeler Scammels, Domenecker camels
All other mammals plus equal votes
Seeing Piccadilly, Fanny Smith and Willy
Being rather silly, and porridge oats

A bit of grin and bear it, a bit of come and share it
You're welcome, we can spare it - yellow socks
Too short to be haughty, too nutty to be naughty
Going on 40 - no electric shocks

The juice of the carrot, the smile of the parrot
A little drop of claret - anything that rocks
Elvis and Scotty, days when I ain't spotty,
Sitting on the potty - curing smallpox

Reasons to be cheerful part 3

Health service glasses
Gigolos and brasses
round or skinny bottoms

Take your mum to paris
lighting up the chalice
wee willy harris

Bantu Stephen Biko, listening to Rico
Harpo, Groucho, Chico

Cheddar cheese and pickle, the Vincent motorsickle
Slap and tickle
Woody Allen, Dali, Dimitri and Pasquale
balabalabala and Volare

Something nice to study, phoning up a buddy
Being in my nuddy
Saying hokey-dokey, singalonga Smokey
Coming out of chokey

John Coltrane's soprano, Adi Celentano
Bonar Colleano

Reasons to be cheerful part 3


Alwight geezers, wot makes you cheerful?


  1. #1 On April 16, 2005 04:21 PM Martin Smith said:

    All of the above plus parts 1 and 2.

  2. #2 On April 16, 2005 04:30 PM goodwitch said:

    Reveling in the moment.
    Living life on purpose.
    Listening to my heart.
    Looking at life with the experience of a 40+ year old
    but the eyes of a 4 year old.
    Not being afraid to take risks.
    Aligning my words and my actions with my beliefs.
    Going on adventures with dear friends.

  3. #3 On April 16, 2005 06:38 PM Kate said:

    The fact that, if I get back from town on Saturday before 5, I can watch Charmed and Buffy reruns, and then new Doctor Who, with enough time to watch either a movie or two or three episodes of a tv show on DVD before Law & Order is on...

    ...I am such a nerd.

  4. #4 On April 16, 2005 10:15 PM Graham Bancroft said:

    Peeling the labels off pickled onion jars.

  5. #5 On April 17, 2005 04:43 AM Andrea said:

    > no electric shocks

    That, and (((cyberhugs to those that feel that too))),


    rain on the ginkgo
    banana slugs on the deck
    martinis in the hot tub
    60's movies on the tivo
    ; )

  6. #6 On April 17, 2005 03:35 PM pixeldiva said:

    Bright red hair after a winter drought of boring brunette.

    Breakfast in bed of smoked salmon and cream cheese followed by chocolate mousse cake.

    The pile of warm, sleepy cats dozing in the sunlight on the flat roof outside my window.

    The satisfaction that comes with figuring something out after a while of struggling, and just before the point where you give in and ask for help.

    Sunny days and living 5 minutes walk from a fantastic park with a great view.

    Having a job that's challenging, exciting, fulfilling and which makes a difference - and not feeling like a total fake when doing it.

    More cake in the fridge.

  7. #7 On April 17, 2005 09:29 PM Sean Fraser said:

    Humming "Sink My Boats". Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. The Three Stooges. Cosgrove Hall's "The Wind in the Willows". Danger Mouse. Count Duckula. Burlesque Queens pin-ups. Remebering that I missed having breakfast with HRH Ian in Hammersmith. Pin-ups from the 1960's Playboy magazines. Reading newspapers in the main Los Angeles Library from the 1930's. Danger Man. Secret Agent Man. The Prisoner. Trying to play "O! Susanna" on the ukulele like Taj Mahal. Thelonious Monk. And, learning Everything! I needed to know about women after singing "If I Was With a Woman".

  8. #8 On April 18, 2005 10:27 AM David Bloomfield said:

    The cold side of the pillow

  9. #9 On April 18, 2005 02:21 PM Steven Tew said:

    An unexpected moment of affection from my son or wife.

  10. #10 On April 19, 2005 07:27 PM Marco said:

    • My wife.
    • My son.
    • Power Yoga
    • People who speak their mind to me.
    • Web and Accessibility Standards (of course)
    • Chocolate. Not the cheap crap, but the good stuff. (Jacob's Orange Club bars are my all time favourite!)
    • Reality Television
    • Anime
    • etc, etc, etc.
  11. #11 On May 12, 2005 08:22 AM Kris said:

    My new job I am soon to start and how happy this makes my girlfriend who has been longing to get out of here.