Could you be a canary?
I’m almost at the end of preparing materials for “Hardboiled Web Design” and soon I’ be writing. To demonstrate various CSS3 properties, I’ve put together an archives page in the demonstration site, “It’s Hardboiled”. That’s where you come in (again).
I was inspired by the style of newspapers from the ’40’s and ’50’s. I say inspired, because I want the design to be an homage instead of a slavish copy. But hold the front page, with news like that it must have been a slow news day. That’s where you come in (again).
Hold the front page
If you’re game:
- Write a short news summary (30-40 words) for the side columns
- Make it about what you think is newsworthy (or funny)
- Post it to the comments
- Don’t forget a hardboiled headline
- (or your name for the byline)
I’ll be writing the main feature, plus five or six of your stories will make into “Hardboiled Web Design”. Although this is not strictly a competition, I will send ten people whose stories I like the most an S&N logo pin1.
The small print
1. This is not spec work, if you have time and want to participate, fantastic. Do it because you want to, not because I’m asking. Nor is it a competition, not in any legal sense. My gun is quick and my decision is final. Pins are not prizes, instead think of them as gifts, from me to a few.
2. By posting your story, you implicitly grant me a non-exclusive license to reproduce it in the “Hardboiled Web Design” book, associated and derivative materials including articles and blog posts, video tutorials, workshop slides and materials or conference talks. Your name will credited each and every time your story is used.
I will post my ten favourite stories in a week and I hope you’ll chime in with comments too.