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Transcending CSS Revisited (those newspapers)

I wrote Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web design, way back in 2006. As I explained, writing my first book was a challenge, personally and professionally.

In the third part of Transcending CSS, I discussed grid design and layout inspiration from magazines and newspapers. It’s a topic I returned to again and again.

A few weeks before publishing Transcending CSS, New Riders—my publisher at the time—were concerned about the small images of newspaper front pages I’d gathered from Newseum. They were worried about copyright, so asked me to remove the mastheads and photographs. This didn’t make much sense to me at the time, but I agreed. I retouched the newspapers and removed the mastheads. At the same time, I replaced the photographs with pictures of my friends.

I doubt anyone is concerned about thirteen year-old newspapers today, so for Transcending CSS Revisited I reinstated the original images.

Transcending CSS Revisited
Left: Original newspaper. Right: Andrew Krespanis and Douglas Bowman. Salman Rushdie became Jeffrey Zeldman.
Transcending CSS Revisited
Left: Original newspaper. Right: Jon Hicks on the cover of the Hindustan Times.
Transcending CSS Revisited
Left: Original newspaper. Right: Faruk Ateş, Andy Budd, Geert Leyseele, Veerle Pieters, PPK, and Simon Willison.
Transcending CSS Revisited
Left: Original newspaper. Right: Rachel Andrew and Drew McLellan. Cameron Adams and Dustin Diaz became “Naked Cameron Diaz.”

No one I included minded much, but James Edwards did ask a Ukrainian speaker to translate the copy around his photograph. He was reassured when he discovered the article wasn’t about anything criminal.

Transcending CSS Revisited
Left: Original newspaper. Right: James Edwards and Jeremy Keith on Ukraine’s Segodnya.

Transcending CSS Revisited is available to read online for free, with a new foreword by none other than Rachel Andrew. In the ePub and PDF versions of Transcending CSS Revisited, I’ve also added a commentary where I explain what’s changed since the original Transcending CSS and how we should work today. An ePub and PDF bundle is also available to buy for only £9.99+VAT.

Buy ebook from £4.99*

* Student price. Regular price £9.99 plus VAT. Ebook includes ePub and PDF formats with an exclusive author’s commentary.

Written by Andy Clarke who tagged this with books

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