Stuff & Nonsense product and website design

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Unfinished Business 111 ‘I got no beef with the Turks’ with Brendan Dawes and Aaron Draplin

Apologies in advance if you’re German or a Turk, as this week on episode 111 of Unfinished Business, I’m joined by artist Brendan Dawes and designer Aaron Draplin.

We start by talking about spice jars and car boot (garage) sales, but unsurprisingly our conversation soon veers wildly off topic as we discuss how Aaron’s struggling to keep up with demands on his time, how designers can make money selling merchandise and more, much, much more. If you know either Aaron or Brendan, you’ll also know that you’re in for a fast-paced, fun-filled sixty minutes.

I’d like to say “thank you” to Shopify for supporting Unfinished Business. Shopify have just released a book about how to grow your design or development business. The book’s called ‘Grow’ and it has eleven chapters by industry experts about how to attract clients, draft contracts, close deals and more. Even my Contract Killer contract gets a mention. Download your free copy of Grow.

Written by Andy Clarke who tagged this with podcast

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Andy Clarke demonstrates how to take your product and website designs to the next level.

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