Stuff & Nonsense product and website design

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Hosting a CSS3 For Responsive Web Design workshop in Zurich in December

Smashing Magazine are hosting a series of one day workshops across Europe throughout November and December.

In London on November 19th, Smashing’s Vitaly Friedman is hosting a workshop of his own on responsive web design. Vitaly knows a thing or two about responsive issues on a content rich, heavily trafficked site, so I’ll be attending that one myself.

In Berlin on November 11th, Stephen Hay’s also teaching responsive web design and two days later Dan Rubin is teaching a class on prototyping. Not only that but in December, Rachel Andrew and Remy Sharp are hosting workshops about launching products and Node.js (whatever that is.)

Finally, get prepared for a responsive design and CSS triple header in Zurich in December. Vitally is back, plus my CSS hero Harry Roberts (he knows how to “curd”) is teaching a class on front-end architecture.

I’d love to go to that*, but instead I’m hosting my very own CSS3 For Responsive Web Design workshop.

Responsive Web design means there’s never been a more interesting time to design for the web than today. CSS3 for responsive design means that CSS is now more interesting too.

In this popular full day workshop hosted by Andrew Clarke, designer, author and podcaster, you’ll learn how to make the most of the latest CSS3 modules so your websites and applications will be faster, more fun and fashionably flexible.

This is the same workshop that sold out so quickly at Handheld and I’ll be hosting at Smashing Conference in Oxford in March 2014.

I know everyone says it, but I’d love, love, love to see you there and I hope you’ll join me.

* I don’t mean it really. Come to mine. You know you want to.

Written by Andy Clarke who tagged this with workshop

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Andy Clarke demonstrates how to take your product and website designs to the next level.

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