Three clever people talk about CSS layout
Not since the turn of the century, when we largely shifted from using CSS positioning to floats, has CSS layout been so interesting. Here are three great reads from just today that are all worth your time:
Strong Layout Systems by Eric Meyer
Jeremy is at An Event Apart in Atlanta, and reports on Eric Meyer’s new talk, Strong Layout Systems in which Eric speaks about flexbox and grids, both new CSS modules that were created specifically to allow us to create layouts.
Using Flexbox: Mixing Old and New for the Best Browser Support
CoyerCoyier (who deserves a medal for the work he does (and his name spelling correctly, sorry)) weaves together old and new flexbox syntaxes for better browser support. Anything lower than or equal to Internet Explorer 9 is still tricky though, so you’ll still need to get handy at designing around that problem. -
CSS3 Layout presentation at In Control Orlando
Back at a conference, this time in Orlando, Zoe Mickley Gillenwater also spoke about CSS layout techniques including Grid Layout and Flexible Box Layout. Her slides are available on Slideshare, then check out her post as it’s full of examples and resources.
PS: If you can remember either The Noodle Incident or Position Is Everything, it’s past your bedtime.