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Unfinished Business: Art directing for the web, with Dan Mall

I’m currently writing a hardboiled web design book about Art Directing for the Web, so in this season of the Unfinished Business podcast I’m discussing art directing with my guests who are some of the most experienced art directors and designers working on the web today. This week I talk about art direction with Super Friendly, Dan Mall.

One fantastic quote from Dan:

When you read a magazine not all of the articles especially the feature articles are templated. You know a lot of them are for custom layouts and custom imagery and things like that except that if you understand them, you realize it’s not actually custom. It’s just modular enough, you can have the semblance of it being custom.

This season of Unfinished Business is proudly sponsored CoffeeCup Software, and in particular, their new CSS Grid Builder. Download transcript PDF | Direct download

Written by Andy Clarke who tagged this with art-direction, podcast

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