Stuff & Nonsense product and website design

Luke Wroblewski: Top Three Passwords

These easy answers are hardly the secure, unique, and complex passwords security and IT teams hope for.

Getting regular people to appreciate the importance of choosing different passwords for different services obviously isn’t getting any easier.

I’ve been teaching my nieces and nephew to use patterns when picking passwords, but that advice obviously hasn’t reached their father yet. He’s a savvy iPhone, iPad and Mac user but he still uses the same weak and obvious password for everything. Convincing people like my brother-in-law to spend $49.99 for 1Password on his Mac and another $4.99 for his iPhone is hard. I spend an hour yesterday trying to do just that.

Much as I love 1Password, strong password generation and secure password storage really should be a part of the operating system. Maybe if it was, people would stop hacking the system with 12345.

Written by Andy Clarke .

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