Stuff & Nonsense product and website design

Sassy Buttons (BTW. This is way to write Sass instructions)

I haven’t used Sassy Buttons (I use LESS) or dug deep enough into this tutorial yet, but the first thing that hit me about Jared Hardy’s piece was just how clearly he wrote the instructions.

simply open your terminal and type:

gem install sassy-buttons

Now that you have compass and the sassy buttons extension installed.

I’m not a complete idiot, but I’m also not a developer and so the language so often used in Sass and Compass explanations is baffling. I might still not know what a ‘partial’ is, but this is first Sass article I’ve read that didn’t make me feel stupid. If you write about Sass, more like this please.

(Hat tip to Stef Lewandowski for the link.)

Written by Andy Clarke .

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